Sunday, December 29, 2013

The year that was...

The year that was....

From Google Images
Well the new year beckons and Christmas 2013 was a bit of a stormy one, the lights going out once or twice .Though they got them back up and running in a few hours in each case. A good argument for putting them underground I'd say, wherever possible! It was also the year of the property tax or the household tax to be more exact and a more inequitable one you couldn't dream up. It's a bit like going into a shop to buy an ice cream and going back a year later  to be told you still owe for the ice cream. It might sound a bit simple but the principle of ownership is gone and you are reduced to something approaching serfdom or its near cousin and answerable to what was designed for your better angels and your in this case being just that, but shop happy.! Another example of the above where principle is the operative (or should that be principal) is the great "Dirt" scam where you get taxed on a virtue in the hope that the whole thing will balance out in the end or maybe tip over into oblivion. But rant over. The book "A Gathering of Poetry and Prose" was a fair old success and hundreds have been sold to date and  I hope we come up with another project, or projects for the year ahead. I'd like to thank everyone who contributed in any way to the above and keep writing. A nice tribute to Willie in The Chronicle written by Louise Scott and both Peggy Murphy and Tess Ryan had poems in the Christmas edition. Also a mention to Paul Martin whose poems are up on the "Deep Underground Poetry" website. That's about it till the new year so enjoy the holidays. Talk to you!

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