Thursday, January 5, 2012

Navan: its People and its Past

Navan: its People and its Past.

This is another of those beautifully produced books that hit the shelves just before Christmas and for anyone interested in the history of the Navan area a must for your collection. Printed on glossy paper and retailing at €10 Euro it touches on everything from O'Connell's last visit to Meath to the murder of the Postmaster in 1921 and the memories of those who grew up or went to school in the vicinity. There is sure to be something here to whet your interest and that includes a poem by no less than Maria Edgeworth written about Blackcastle in 1811. Contrasting that though with an extract taken from a manuscript in the National Library by Alice Stopford Green written about one hundred years later, you get a less rosy picture indeed! It reminds me of William Bulfin who was on the Hill of Tara around the same time, although his ire was directed at those of his own religion for slightly different reasons. A distance of four miles and a different mindset entirely. Town and country a world away! This book is the Journal of the Navan and District Historical Society and includes an introduction by Richard Farrelly the Chairman. Many colour photos and well worth the price! Link address over to the right. 

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