Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Poetry and Science

Poetry and Science.

Surely no relation at all you might say but I was given a copy of Richard Dawkins's "The Blind Watchmaker" for Christmas and although I've yet to read the same or progress further than page seven, these books can be very interesting whether you agree with them or not. I often get the impression though that they are arguing about little more that the road to Galway. "It doesn't start from here at all!", and most people couldn't give a monkey's anyway. The argument one step removed at best. But I'd better read it first, and it does give me the opportunity to post a few poems. So more to come on the above at some later date.

The Fall

Perhaps some alchemist
Could weave this spell
The meaning of it all.
That measure of the Earth
Would reason tell
What law of harmony
Was lost
When Eden fell.

Frank Murphy,

Photto: From Google Images with thanks.

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