Monday, November 15, 2010

Chivalry (3)

When the celtic tiger and others were on the prowl dragging their assurance behind them, I wrote a few poems on their progress, or the absence of anything of value, or should that be values! Anyway this was one of them.

A Knight's Tale

With chaptered verse
To course his veins
He quarried out his own demesne
Set off to find the Holy Grail
Then crept along the paper trails
And naked in his stirrup cups
He'd fleece you from the bottom up
And tilt upon the dotted lines
He lived in interesting times
And tiring of such daring deeds
Drew sustenance in other creeds
Such prospects as would tilt your hat
Noblesse oblige no less than that
Allowed such little licence pleased
Himself to charge
Professional fees.

Frank Murphy.

Photo: From Google Images.

Note: Graine Toher is the guest reader at The Knightsbridge Village Hall
in Trim (Boyne Readings) on Thursday the 18th of November.
Her latest novel is "Comings and Goings".

1 comment:

Frank said...

To Mark, clicked on wrong link, good luck on that!