Thursday, September 16, 2010

A Few Songs of War.

A few songs of war.

For those who have an interest in the everyday the above may hold little attraction, but some of the best poems ever written touch on the subject of war. They tend to stay in the memory long after the media reports have been consigned to the dustbin and indeed most people get their history or a version of such from this kind. This is especially true of the songs, they hang around for a long time. The anti-war movement of the sixties and the songs of Dylan and others are a case in point and just the most recent one, though you may well ask where are the ballad singers now? Nothing to aim for, perhaps, when the only lines are the ones you add and subtract! Poor enough! The songs that follow all have a certain quality, or seem to capture something, and for different reasons, some are great stories, some are very sad, some are good entertainment, some are dangerous, and all are worth a listen. And if I was to select another six, maybe I'd pick different ones, but I'm not so sure!
(1) Billy Joel: Goodnight Saigon.
Click Here

(2) Jamie O' Hara: 50,000 Names.
Click Here

(3) Steve Earle: Dixieland.
Click Here

(4) Marlene Dietrich: Lili Marleen.
Click Here

(5) Phil Coulter: Dear Sarah/Sullivan Ballou.
Click Here

(6) Phil Coulter: The Man From God Knows Where.
Click Here


MichaelSheils said...

Congratulations Frank you got there. Bring your camera next time I'll read try talking.

MichaelSheils said...

I just got back from a trip to Poland. I visited a Russian Cemetary while I was there. The thing that struck me most was the average age on the tombstones.
They were mostly in their late:30's, 40's and even some in their 50's. They died in the battle to liberate Kedzierzyn-Kozle from the Germans. The battle took place in the last few weeks of the W W 2 most of the young men had already fallen in earlier battles.

Frank said...

Will do on that. Must look up that battle. Amazing the ages. Will go again on the war poems.