Sunday, April 13, 2014

Motherlode/ Carolyne Van Der Meer

Motherlode/Carolyne Van Der Meer

Just finished reading through Carolyne Van Der Meer's collection of poems and essays on life or childhood experience in the German occupied Netherlands during world war two. It is a selection that draws on both her mother's experience and a number of others as well and is more often than not a child's eye view on what it must have been like and one she captures so well. Difficult to put down once you start reading and one poem or essay leads effortlessly to the next and explores just about every avenue or slant and while it is a journey through other people's memories it is also something of a going home. Interesting end piece on the complexity of belonging and while they say you can never go back and there's a poem or two out there on that...well we always do. Beautifully produced, information on the book from the Wilfred Laurier University Press. and available I would say from any good bookstore.
Also direct from Gazelle Book Services: tel 0044 (0) 1524 68765 
Email: priced at £16.99 sterling. ISBN 978-1-77112-005-0


Carolyne said...

Thanks, Frank. Much, much appreciated! So very glad you liked the book. :-)

Frank said...

Fine book and good luck with sales.